Digital Registered Bonds

Paper, physical seals, slow couriers for traditional registered bonds or a digital registered bond on SWIAT? Fully digital, electronic signatures, and real-time settlement!

Digital Registered Bonds

Paper, physical seals, slow couriers for traditional registered bonds or a digital registered bond on SWIAT? Fully digital, electronic signatures, and real-time settlement!

Digital registered bonds on SWIAT

SWIAT helps you to issue, register and transfer registered bonds exclusively digital on the SWIAT blockchain.

  • Our Platform-as-a-Service solution encompasses all parts of the registered bond lifecycle
  • Set the speed for all process steps to real-time
  • Reduce settlement and counterparty risk
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Our work in detail

The digital registered bond process on SWIAT builds on the existing set of participants required for issuing and transferring registered bonds: issuer, registrar and investor.

By using the SWIAT platform issuers can specify the details of the issuance, register the issuance at a registrar, and transfer the digital registered bond to the investor – all via the user interface and 100% digital.

Technical Details

SWIAT supports digital registered bonds by providing you with all parts of the registered bond lifecycle:

  • Issuance dApp
  • Registrar functionalities
  • Ready-to-use frontends and user interface (UI)
  • Integration / API-layer for interoperability with legacy systems
  • The Blockchain Network
  • Identity and Workflow Management for financial entities

Johannes von Selle

Your contact

Johannes von Selle